Executive Committee 


Dean Clark Stanford, University of Iowa (Mu Chapter)

President Elect:

Dean Carol Anne Murdoch-Kinch, University of Indiana (Theta Theta Chapter)


Dean Ronald Sakaguchi, Oregon Health & Science University (Delta Chapter)

Secretary Treasurer:

Dr. Jon Suzuki, Temple University (Kappa Kappa Chapter)


Leeper Award Committee

Dean R. Sakaguchi (chair)

Dr. R. Seals (University of Texas, San Antonio)

Dr. A. Spielman (New York University)


Research Award Committee

Dean R. Sakaguchi (chair)

Dr. J. Suzuki (advisory)

Dr. C. Pfeifer (Oregon Health and Science Univ.)

Dr. M. Reynolds (University of Maryland)

Dr. Y. Chun (University of Texas, San Antonio)


Chapter Award Committee

Dean C. Stanford (chair)

Dr. R. Salter (Howard University)

Dr. K. Frazier (Augusta University)

Dr. C. Bauer (University of Detroit)


Bylaws Committee

Dean P. Loomer (chair)

Dr. M. Siegel (NOVA Southeastern Univ.)

Dr. W. Davenport (University of Nevada)

Dr. L. Tarnoff (Temple University)


Audit Committee

Dean C. Murdoch-Kinch (chair)

Dr. W. Johnson (University of Nebraska)

Dr. H. Zhang (University of Washington)

Dr. L. Sperrazza (Temple University)


Nominating Committee

Dean C. Stanford (chair)

Dean C. Murdoch-Kinch (co-chair)

Dr. I. Punwani (University of Illinois)

Dr. P Famili (University of Pittsburgh)

Dr. T. Rams (Temple University)


Craig Award

Dean C. Murdoch-Kinch (chair)

Dr. O. Mishler (University of Maryland)

Dr. J. Tyus (Meharry Medical College)

Dr. A. Veitz-Keenan (New York University)


Budget and Finance Committee

Dr. J. Suzuki (chair)

Dean C. Murdoch-Kinch (University of Indiana)

Dr. R. Maebo (University of Washington)

tba (tba) 

Dr. Nicole Kimmes (Univ. of New England)