General Business Meeting Minutes
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel – Grand Salon 12, Level 1
Two Poydras St
New Orleans, LA 70130
Sunday March 10, 2024, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM (CDST)
- President Peter Loomer called meeting to order 5:33 PM and introduced the executive officers: Secretary-Treasurer Jon Suzuki, President-Elect Clark Stanford, and Vice President Carole Ann Murdoch-Kinch. Brian Suzuki, Executive Director, was also in attendance.
- President Loomer reminded delegates to give their name and chapter affiliation when addressing the podium.
- President Loomer reminded delegates to sign the roll-call; chapter’s missing 2 consecutive meetings means potential loss of recognition.
- Executive Director informed President Loomer that based on the sign-in sheet, there was a quorum.
- President entertained a motion to dispense with reading of 2023 business meeting minutes since a copy has been posted on Delegate from Zeta Eta Chapter so moved. Approved.
- President entertained a motion to approve the minutes as posted on the website. The Delegate from Sigma Chapter so moved. Approved.
- President Loomer delivered introductory remarks. In such remarks, President Loomer encouraged chapters to become involved at the local and national level. Particularly, chapters should be sending nominations for national awards and volunteer for committees.
- Committee Reports were presented. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki presented the minutes from the March 10, 2024 Board of Director’s Meeting. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki presented the Secretary’s Report. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki presented the Treasurer Report. President-Elect Stanford presented the Audit Committee’s Report. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki presented the Budget and Finance Committee’s Report. President Loomer presented the Bylaws Committee Report. President-Elect Stanford presented the Nominating Committee’s report.
- President Loomer entertained a motion to approve the reports. The Delegate from Zeta Eta so moved. Approved. President Loomer entertained a vote for approval of the Nominating Committee’s recommendation from its report, Dean Ronald Sakaguchi (Delta Chapter, OHSU), for Supreme Chapter Vice President. The Delegate from Nu Nu Chapter so moved. Seconded. Approved. President Loomer entertained a motion to approve the bylaw revision mentioned in the Bylaws Committee Report and previously distributed to chapters. The delegate from Zeta Eta Chapter so moved. Seconded. Approved.
Leeper Award Presentation – Vice-President Murdoch-Kinch announced the Leeper Award winner: Dr. Richard Seals, Mu Nu Chapter, University of Texas Health Center at San Antonio, and presented the award to the Delegate from Mu Nu Chapter.
- President-Elect Stanford announced the Craig Award Winner: Dr. Stephen Sterlitz, Delta Epsilon Chapter, University of Kentucky, and presented the award to the Delegate from Delta Epsilon Chapter.
- President Loomer announced the Chapter Award Winner: Omega Chapter, New York University, and presented the award to the Delegate from Omega Chapter.
- Research Award Presentation – Vice-President Murdoch-Kinch announced the Research Award Winner: Dr. Isadora Garcia, University of Maryland, and presented the award to Dr. Garcia with Dr Jon B. Suzuki.
- Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki read the annual necrology report and called for delegates to provide additional names should any have been missed. Delegates were asked to stand for a moment of silence for the departed.
- President Loomer reminded delegates to sign the attendance sheet at the room entrance.
- President Loomer announced the Ad Hoc Committee on Pass Fail Grading’s findings, and referred delegates to the previously read Bylaws Committee Report.
- President Loomer encouraged chapters to encourage local chapter activities and consider raising local dues to encourage different and unique local activities.
- President Loomer installed the new officers for 2024-2025: President Clark Stanford, President-Elect Murdoch-Kinch, Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki, and Vice President Sakaguchi. Brian Suzuki shall continue his appointment as Executive Director.
- Incoming President Stanford delivered remarks: he reminded delegates to inform their student bodies about the importance and possibility of OKU selection.
- President Stanford presented Immediate-Past-President Loomer with the Supreme Chapter Presidential Award and Supreme Chapter Pin.
- President Stanford called for additional business, recommendations or suggestions for the betterment of OKU. The Delegate from Xi Omicron Chapter inquired about key ribbon color. Executive Director Suzuki answered the question and shall attempt to find lighter colored ribbons on next supply order.
- President Stanford reminded chapters that bylaws mandate they are to submit an annual report at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting. A form is available at
- President Stanford announced the officers will conduct a post-business meeting in compliance with OKU Supreme Chapter bylaws.
- President Stanford entertained a motion for adjournment. The Delegate from Sigma Chapter so moved. Approved.