Overview: The Jon B. Suzuki Research Award Committee welcomes applications directly related to dental clinical practice or basic sciences related to dentistry.  

Objective: The objective of the OKU research grant is to encourage dental school faculty to initiate and develop clinical or basic science research projects.

Eligibility: full time dental school faculty who have not had a Federal Grant. Faculty do not need to be OKU members to apply.

Deadline for Application: December 31, 2024.

Grant issuance: April of 2025 (winner announced at the OKU General Business Meeting, March of 2025).

Period of Grant: April 1 through March 31st of the following year.

Amount: The Award amount is $10,000.  When not covered by the recipient's university, travel expenses (coach class airfare and one night hotel) will also be paid to recipient (to a maximum of $800).  W9 and receipts necessary for travel expense reimbursement.  

Disclaimer: Omicron Kappa Upsilon does not pay indirect costs, overhead costs, or F&A costs.

Items Required: 

Completed Application

300 Word Abstract

Budget Justification (travel and salary not included)

Animal IRB, if applicable

Human IRB, if applicable

Mailing Instructions: (either email or USPS)

Email (with the subject line "OKU Research Award Application"): 

         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


USPS mail:

          Brian Suzuki, OKU Exec. Dir.

          P.O. Box 5472

          Plymouth, MI 48170


Non-discrimination Provision:

There is no discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability.


The principal investigator, or co-principal investigator, must be on the full time faculty of a USA or Canadian CODA accredited dental school.



All applications must include the following information:

(1)Cover page:

Enter specific titles, departments, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses.

(2)Signatures are required for the principal and co-principal investigator (if applicable), other investigators associated with the project, and the official authorized to sign for the institution.

(3)Enter budget for the year funds are requested.

(4)Permanent Equipment:

Any major piece of equipment or apparatus costing more than $500.00 should be itemized and justifications made. Permanent equipment is further defined as any item having a useful life of two years or greater.

(5)Consumable Supplies:

Glassware, chemicals, supplies and all expendable

materials obtained from the stockroom of the institution may be grouped in this

category under the appropriate subheading.

(6)Biographical sketches must be submitted for all investigators. They should not exceed two pages for each person. Please limit the information to experience relevant to the project.

(7)Provide 300 word abstract




Facilities to be provided by grantee institution:

The grantee institution is expected to provide all necessary basic facilities and services. These include the facilities and services that normally would be expected to exist in any institution qualified to undertake research in dentistry. The grantee institution will provide laboratory space maintenance service, including maintenance, supplies and service contracts, telephone services, library service, including subscriptions to periodicals and the purchase of books, laboratory furniture

Ownership of the equipment:

Equipment purchased under OKU grants becomes the property of the organization, unless otherwise specified by OKU before termination of the grant or its extensions.


If a grantee leaves the institution, he/she must notify OKU. OKU will consider the grant terminated. Unspent funds must be returned to OKU.

Human Subjects in Research

Use of human subjects and sample size must be justified. If applicable, IRB statements from your institution’s human subjects committee must be provided. No grants involving the use of human subjects can be awarded without this official sanction from the institution.

Final Report

Grantees are required to submit a final report to OKU, no later than sixty (60) days after termination or conclusion. A bibliography of all publications resulting in whole or in part from the grant should be appended to the abstract.






DISCLAIMER: The details, requirements, and award sum are subject to change without notice.