Classification of membership in the Supreme Chapter shall be divided into two classes: Active and Honorary1.ACTIVE MEMBERS.The active members of the Supreme Chapter shall consist of its officers and one active member delegate, or alternate, from and selected by each component chapter. Active members shall be voting members. 2. HONORARY MEMBERS. The voting members of the Supreme Chapter may elect to honorary membership any member of the dental profession who has made an outstanding contribution to the art, science, or literature of dentistry, and others not members of the dental profession who have made similar outstanding contribution to the advancement of dentistry. At any annual meeting, one person may be elected to honorary membership by a two-thirds vote of the delegates in attendance. There have been nine persons elected to honorary membership in the Supreme Chapter. They are: Lloyd E. Blauch (1934), Harlan H. Homer (1948), Shailer Peterson (1956), Reginald H. Sullens (1962), Grace Parkin (1970), John W. Stanford (1980), Harry Bruce (1983), Henry J. Sazima (1985) and Janet K. John (1999). |
The terms "art, science or literature of dentistry" wherever appearing in the Bylaws of the Supreme Chapter or of component chapters of this society shall be interpreted as follows: -The "art of dentistry" shall imply skill in performance, acquired by experience, study and observation and may be manifested by presentation, before graduate, post-graduate, refresher courses or dental meetings not sponsored or financed by a business firm or commercial enterprise, of a method of performing an operation or the development of an instrument, appliance, machine or equipment to facilitate dental operations with no purpose of self-profit. -The "science of dentistry" shall be interpreted as the introduction of a new theory or suggestion and based upon facts which have been established by study, observation and research, as distinguished from skill in performance. -The "literature of dentistry" shall imply the publication of a book or the publication in a professionally controlled journal on dentistry or its allied sciences, of an essay, treatise or thesis. |