New Member Inductions:
(1)To register your new inductees, please login to the website. Click on the “Membership Information” tab. Select “OFFICIAL ORDER FORM".
IF - for any reason - you are having trouble with the OFFICIAL ORDER FORM, you may download the "OKU_Inductee_namesform_Alt_24" found under the "OKU Forms" tab. Fill in the form and return by email (in excel format) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
(2)Print the “OKUmembershipform2025” and mail with check (payable to “OKU” or "Omicron Kappa Upsilon") to:
Brian Suzuki, OKU
885 Penniman Ave, PO Box 5472
Plymouth, MI 48170
For convenience, we are also accepting dues through ZELLE. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
(3)For this induction season, Fall of 2024 to Spring of 2025, new Alumni (student), Faculty, and Honorary members will be registered as members and receive a certificate, stole, unengraved key and ribbon. Life members will be given a Life Membership Certificate. These items will be sent directly to the local chapter; local chapters will distribute in accordance with local chapter procedure.
(4)Graduation materials will arrive in 2 separate packages. The keys, ribbons, and Stoles will come together, and arrive within about two (2) weeks of paid individual dues. Certificates will arrive within 4 weeks, however, may take longer during peak season (April and May).
(5)Please ensure you are using the most updated ordering forms (available under the forms tab). Failure to do so may result in delays and/or printing and engraving errors.
Replacement Orders:
Extra or replacement Keys, Stoles, and/or Certificates are available; please contact your local chapter. Your local chapter will verify your membership and order replacements from the Supreme Chapter using OKUmembershipform2025. Please remember to fill in the “Replacement” section and add name, year, and type of certificate.
2024 Stole, Ribbon, and Key:
***Under Article VIII, section 2 of OKU Bylaws, "All insignia of the Society shall be obtained through the office of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Supreme Chapter only, except when a special ruling has been made by the Board of Directors of the Supreme Chapter. All insignia are the property of the Supreme Chapter and must be returned to the Secretary-Treasurer upon forfeiture of membership."